    [uGroups] => Array
            [1] => 1

    [accessEntities] => Array
            [0] => GroupPermissionAccessEntity Object
                    [group:protected] => Group Object
                            [ctID] => 
                            [permissionSet] => 
                            [permissions:Concrete5_Model_Group:private] => Array

                            [error] => 
                            [gID] => 1
                            [gName] => Guest
                            [gDescription] => The guest group represents unregistered visitors to your site.
                            [gUserExpirationIsEnabled] => 0
                            [gUserExpirationMethod] => 
                            [gUserExpirationSetDateTime] => 
                            [gUserExpirationInterval] => 0
                            [gUserExpirationAction] => 

                    [error] => 
                    [petID] => 1
                    [peID] => 1
                    [petHandle] => group
                    [label] => Guest


    [accessEntitiesUpdated] => 1741753344

Tribute Obituaries

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