    [uGroups] => Array
            [1] => 1

    [accessEntities] => Array
            [0] => GroupPermissionAccessEntity Object
                    [group:protected] => Group Object
                            [ctID] => 
                            [permissionSet] => 
                            [permissions:Concrete5_Model_Group:private] => Array

                            [error] => 
                            [gID] => 1
                            [gName] => Guest
                            [gDescription] => The guest group represents unregistered visitors to your site.
                            [gUserExpirationIsEnabled] => 0
                            [gUserExpirationMethod] => 
                            [gUserExpirationSetDateTime] => 
                            [gUserExpirationInterval] => 0
                            [gUserExpirationAction] => 

                    [error] => 
                    [petID] => 1
                    [peID] => 1
                    [petHandle] => group
                    [label] => Guest


    [accessEntitiesUpdated] => 1741753776

Online At Need Form

Thanks for taking the time to fill out our Immediate Need Form. By completing the following information at your own convenience, you should find it easier to provide correct information and have some time to think about the type of services you desire.

The information provided on this form will help MacFadden Funeral Home complete the death certificate and other required documents. In addition, this information will assist the funeral director to better understand your initial wishes. Relaying required statistical information can be time consuming. Our desire is to help expedite the final arrangement conference at the funeral home and make the process a little more comfortable.

Please complete (as much as possible) the information on the form and select Submit Information at the end to send the information to us. You may also print out the form and bring it with you to the arrangement conference or fax.

If you'd prefer, a printer-friendly version of this form is also available for you to download and fill out manually. CLICK HERE for further instructions and the download link, if interested.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact MacFadden Funeral Home at: 908-475-2210

NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required. Any information you submit will be held in the strictest confidence - we do not release any information to outside parties under any circumstances.

Deceased Vital Statistics for Death Certificate

If other, please indicate address:

Type of Disposition

Preparation and Viewing

Important Note: Viewing of the body is a choice of the family. In most cases, embalming is required or recommended for public viewing/visitation, mausoleum entombment, or transfer of remains via common carrier (i.e. shipment by air or rail). When possible, the funeral home needs authorization from the next of kin for embalming.

Except in certain cases, embalming is not required by law. Embalming may be necessary, however, if you select certain funeral arrangements, such as a funeral with viewing. If you do not want embalming, you usually have the right to choose an arrangement, which does not require you to pay for it, such as a direct cremation, immediate burial and/or one-time ID viewing for family only. If you elect NOT to order embalming, State law requires refrigeration of an unembalmed body that is held for over 24 hours from the time of death.

Veteran Information

Informant/Person In Charge Information

Funeral/Memorial Service Information:

Other Information & Instructions

Immediate Need Form - Printer-friendly Version

You can download the printer-friendly version of the Immediate Need Form to your local computer from the link below. Once downloaded, open the PDF *, and enter your information on the form, then print it out on your printer. You may then either mail or fax it to us at the address or fax number below, or bring it with you when you visit.

»   CLICK HERE to download the form - choose to, 'Save to Disk,' in the dialog box that appears
(download times will vary depending upon connection.)

Get Adobe Acrobat Reader* NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required to view this file - if you don't already have the Reader installed on your computer, it is available for free from Adobe's website - please click the icon at right to be taken to the download page.

Mail completed forms to the following address,
or fax them to the number below:

Street Address
City, State 12345

Please call with any questions: 123-456-7890